HealthTrust Datasphere

More data leads to better decisions. By harnessing the power of the HealthTrust Datasphere, you can derive real-time, actionable insights from your data, enabling you to make informed decisions to drive your marketing ROI. Our AI-driven growth plans help you identify trends, target specific patient groups, and optimize your marketing strategies.

Behind the Scenes

  • HealthTrust Datasphere is updated daily and incorporates the largest, most robust third-party data sets in the industry, curated specifically for healthcare.
  • Your data is appended with variables related to health adherence likelihood, social determinants of health (SDOH), demographics, health intent, self-reported health conditions, psychographic data, and more.
  • Unlimited real-time modeling capabilities are deployed on the fly.
  • Data can be visualized through a GIS platform for strategic planning and opportunity mapping.

Welcome to a revolution in healthcare data intelligence – where Growth.Health’s DataSphere stands a class apart. What makes our DataSphere different? Let’s dive right into the simplicity of its sophistication.

At its core, the DataSphere is not just another stack of data. It’s an immersive, all-encompassing ecosystem that grants you unprecedented real-time insights into healthcare consumer behavior. Imagine having the ability to not only see but to truly understand the healthcare journey of millions, beyond the confines of their medical records. This is where the magic happens.

Our proprietary engine transforms thousands of health-related variables into actionable insights. By marrying your first-party data with our comprehensive health variables, we create a tapestry of information that’s not only vast but vibrantly detailed. Picture a holistic view of your health consumer, painted with the strokes of data science and privacy-focused technology.

DataSphere’s innovation lies in its simplicity. We’ve designed it to be as intuitive as fetching your morning coffee. Our platform doesn’t just aggregate data; it breathes life into it, contextualizing every byte into a narrative that resonates with clarity and purpose.

Moreover, we keep it secure, treating privacy not just as an obligation but as a cornerstone of our ethos. With Growth.Health, you step into a realm where data is not only accessible but meaningful, empowering you with insights that spark transformation beyond the spectrum of traditional healthcare analytics.

This is the Growth.Health difference – data simplified, insights magnified, and privacy sanctified. DataSphere invites you to explore the unexplored, armed with the confidence of cutting-edge technology and insights that illuminate the path forward.

Join us in this journey. Let’s demystify the complex and unlock possibilities together with DataSphere.